onlyfans welcome message ideas

Creative OnlyFans Welcome Message Ideas (With Examples) to Engage and Retain Your Subscribers

These days, OnlyFans has become one of the most popular platforms for content creators to share content with their subscribers. As a creator on OnlyFans, engaging with your subscribers is the key to building a loyal fanbase. One of the tools to engage your subscribers is through your OnlyFans welcome message. OnlyFans welcome message is the first impression your fans will have of you, so why not make it creative, engaging, and most importantly memorable?!

In this article, we will explore some creative OnlyFans welcome message ideas, with examples, to help you keep your OnlyFans game at the top! No matter whether you’re just starting on OnlyFans or looking to update your welcome message, our ideas will help you create a fun and personalized first impression for your fans!

What is OnlyFans Welcome Message

First, an OnlyFans welcome message is the message that your fans automatically get when they subscribe to your account (of course when the feature is turned on). So we can note that the welcome message should be engaging, creative, and personalized to your subscribers. It’s an opportunity to introduce yourself and your brand, share some information about what subscribers can expect from your content, and most importantly encourage them to engage with you.

When creating an OnlyFans welcome message, it’s important to balance being fun and informative. Ultimately, an effective OnlyFans welcome message should be engaging, personalized, and memorable, setting the stage for a successful and long-lasting relationship between you and your fans.

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The Importance of OnlyFans Welcome Message

The OnlyFans welcome message serves as the first point of contact you and your prospect, and as we know, the most important aspect of OnlyFans is the connection. A well-crafted welcome message can go a long way in retaining your subscribers and building a loyal fanbase.

The importance of an OnlyFans welcome message lies in its ability to set the tone for your content and create a personal connection with your subscribers. 

In addition to setting the tone, an OnlyFans welcome message can also be used to incentivize subscribers to engage with your content. Some content creators choose to offer a free exclusive photo or video in their welcome message as a reward for subscribing (we will discuss these strategies further in the article). These types of OnlyFans welcome messages encourage subscribers to engage with your content and become more interested in you in the broad selection of other creators.

How to Set Up Your OnlyFans Welcome Message

So now that we know what an OnlyFans welcome message is, let’s see how you set one.

  1. Start by clicking on your profile icon and selecting “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the settings menu, click on “Chats” and navigate to the “Welcome message” section.
  3. Enable the feature by clicking on the switch (If not turned on already)
  4. Write your message and attach any media you want to include, such as photos or videos.

If you want to take your OnlyFans welcome message to the next level, consider setting up a video message where you talk directly to your fans. You can use a video message to share more about yourself and make you stand out from the crowd.

How to Change OnlyFans Welcome Message

To change your OnlyFans welcome message, you can follow the same steps that you used to set it up initially.

  1. Simply log in to your OnlyFans account and navigate to the “Settings” tab in your dashboard.
  2. Get to the “Welcome message” section
  3. From there, click on the “Edit” button next to your current welcome message to access the message editor.
  4. Make sure to save your changes before exiting the editor. 

Apart from updating your welcome message, it’s important to keep your content fresh and consistent to retain your subscribers’ interest. If you’re not sure how often to post on OnlyFans, check out our helpful guide on that topic.

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5 Creative OnlyFans Welcome Message Ideas

Coming up with the perfect welcome message can be quite challenging, but you know we love helping creators right? To help inspire you, we’ve compiled a list of five creative OnlyFans welcome message ideas, hooray! We really hope that these messages will help you craft your own fun and engaging welcome message…

Funny Welcome Message

If you have a fun and humorous personality, consider incorporating that into your OnlyFans welcome message. 

One idea is to use humor to introduce yourself and your content playfully. For example, you could use a joke or pun that relates to your niche or the type of content you create. This can help break the ice and make your subscribers understand that they’ve met that funky one.

A bit more foxy idea is to use humor to incentivize engagement. You could offer a reward or exclusive content for subscribers who like, comment, or share your posts in a fun and creative way. 

Funny OnlyFans Welcome Message Examples

Here are a few funny OnlyFans welcome message examples that you can use for inspiration:

  1. “Welcome to my OnlyFans! My content is so good, it’s like Netflix, but without the chill. Just pure, unadulterated entertainment. Oh, and if you’re looking for someone to share your snacks with while you binge-watch, I’m your girl.”
  2. “Hey there! Thanks for joining my OnlyFans. As my subscriber, you’ll get exclusive access to my most ridiculous dance moves, my worst dad jokes, and all the embarrassing moments I usually keep hidden from the world. So buckle up and get ready for some laughs.”
  3. “Welcome to the wacky world of my OnlyFans! Here, you’ll find everything from bizarre makeup tutorials to questionable life advice. But hey, at least we’ll be weird together, right?”
  4. “Glad to have you onboard! Just a warning though, my content may cause uncontrollable laughter, occasional snorting, and the occasional need for a change of pants. But don’t worry, it’s all in good fun.”
  5. “Welcome to my OnlyFans, where the puns are bad and the content is good. If you’re into dad jokes, animal memes, and random dance parties, then you’re in the right place. Let’s have some fun!”

Behind-the-Scenes OnlyFans Welcome Message

Behind-the-scenes content is always a popular choice for OnlyFans creators because it’s basically a part of the overall OnlyFans concept, seeing more than the others see. This helps new subscribers feel special and allows them to get to know you on a personal level.

To give you some context, one OnlyFans welcome message idea will be to share a personal story or anecdote that relates to your content. This can help new subscribers feel like they’re getting to know you as a person, not just a content creator. You could also share your creative process and show them how you come up with ideas and bring them to life, this will take some time and preparation, but it will be worth it, just give it a chance.

Behind-the-Scenes OnlyFans Welcome Message Examples

Here are some behind-the-scenes OnlyFans welcome message ideas:

  1. “Welcome to my OnlyFans! As a subscriber, you’ll get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at how I create my content. From brainstorming ideas to the final product, you’ll see it all. Get ready for some creative chaos!”
  2. “Hey there! Thanks for joining my OnlyFans. I’m excited to take you behind the scenes and show you my creative process. I’ll share my tips and tricks for making great content, and maybe even let you in on some of my secrets.”
  3. “Thanks for joining my OnlyFans! I can’t wait to share some behind-the-scenes moments with you. You’ll see what it takes to make my content, the challenges I face, and the triumphs I celebrate. It’s going to be a wild ride!”
  4. “Welcome to my creative corner! As a subscriber to my OnlyFans, you’ll get an exclusive look at my process. You’ll see how I come up with ideas, how I execute them, and how I edit them. You’ll be in on the action, and I can’t wait to share it with you!”

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Exclusive Offer Welcome Message

As an OnlyFans creator, you probably want to offer exclusive perks and rewards to your new fans right? An exclusive offer welcome message is a great way to do this! In this type of message, you can share what kind of exclusive content or benefits your subscribers can expect. Personalized videos, video chats, or maybe exclusive merch? You list it. Just highlight the value your subscribers will receive for their support.

Exclusive Offer OnlyFans Welcome Message Example

Here’s an example of an exclusive offer OnlyFans welcome message:

“Welcome to my OnlyFans! As a subscriber, you’ll have access to exclusive content and benefits that are only available to my most dedicated fans. From personalized shoutouts to behind-the-scenes access, I’m excited to give you an inside look at my world. Plus, as a special thank you for joining, I’m offering a limited-time discount on my exclusive merch. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the exclusive club!”

Controversial OnlyFans Welcome Message

If you’re comfortable with pushing boundaries and stirring up controversy, a controversial OnlyFans welcome message could be a great way to set your tone in the OnlyFans niche you’re in. However, it’s important to be careful and respectful when choosing controversial topics to discuss in your message. Make sure you’re not offending or alienating any groups of people, and always stay true to your own values and beliefs.

Controversial OnlyFans Welcome Message Examples

Here are some examples of controversial OnlyFans welcome messages:

  1. “Welcome to my OnlyFans! As a strong advocate for body positivity, I’ll be sharing uncensored photos and videos of my curves and imperfections. Join me in celebrating all body types and breaking down societal beauty standards!”
  2. “Thanks for subscribing to my OnlyFans! I’m a firm believer in sex positivity and will be sharing candid conversations and intimate moments with my subscribers. Let’s normalize healthy sexual expression and break down the stigma surrounding adult content.”
  3. “Welcome to my OnlyFans! As an LGBTQ+ activist, I’ll be using this platform to amplify marginalized voices and discuss controversial topics related to gender and sexuality. Join me in creating a more inclusive and accepting society!”

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Introductory Welcome Message

Seems that we’ve gone from more advanced ones to the basics, but still, we need to explore this one as well. An introductory OnlyFans welcome message is still a great way to make a good first impression. In this type of message, you just introduce yourself, share what kind of content you’ll be creating, and express your gratitude for their support. The hard thing is to keep it creative and out-of-the-box.

Introductory OnlyFans Welcome Message Examples

Here are some examples of introductory OnlyFans welcome messages:

  1. “Hey there, welcome to my OnlyFans! I’m [Name], and I’ll be your guide to all things fun and naughty. As a subscriber, you can expect to see exclusive photos and videos of me doing what I do best. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride!”
  2. “Welcome to my OnlyFans! My name is [Name], and I’m excited to share my passion for [Content] with you. From steamy photoshoots to behind-the-scenes access, you’ll get an exclusive look at my world. Thank you for your support, and let’s have some amazing moments together!”
  3. “Thanks for subscribing to my OnlyFans! I’m [Name], and I can’t wait to show you what I have for you. From exclusive content to personalized messages, you’ll be getting the VIP treatment. Let’s have some fun and make some unforgettable memories!”


In conclusion, your OnlyFans welcome message is your first impression on new subscribers and can greatly impact your subscriber retention. We’ve discovered the ways to create and update your welcome message and listed some examples that may be useful when creating your welcome message.

Remember, the key to success on OnlyFans is not only creating engaging welcome messages but also delivering high-quality content that your subscribers will enjoy. There are dozens of ways to do so on OnlyFans (one of the ways being posting pay-per-view posts) so buckle up and have some fun while making the $$$.

At FansCharm, we understand the importance of a well-managed OnlyFans account, and our OnlyFans management services can help you optimize your content, engagement, and overall account performance. With our expertise, we can help you create a welcoming and engaging OnlyFans experience for your subscribers. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve success on OnlyFans.

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  • Robbin Anderson

    Meet Robbin Anderson, a content writer for FansCharm. Starting as an SMM specialist and copywriter, Robbin later dived into OnlyFans management, becoming a pro at promoting content. Now, at FansCharm, Robbin blends marketing smarts with creativity, crafting engaging stories for the digital audience.

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