how to make a pay per view post on onlyfans

How to Create a Pay-Per-View Post on OnlyFans: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s say you’re an OnlyFans content creator and you’re looking to increase your earnings. Great news here! Creating pay-per-view (PPV) posts is an excellent strategy. PPV posts allow you to offer content (photos and videos) to your subscribers for a one-time fee. However, many OnlyFans creators don’t know the right ways to make a pay-per-view post on OnlyFans, so we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you get started.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a pay-per-view post on OnlyFans, so you can start earning more from your content today!

What are Pay-Per-View Posts on OnlyFans

As we discussed earlier, Pay-per-view (PPV) posts are a powerful tool on OnlyFans that allows content creators to earn more money by offering content to their subscribers for a one-time fee. Once the PPV fee is paid, the user can access the content.

One common way you can use this feature to maximize your earnings is by posting mild (non-nude or slightly nude) teaser photos or free content on your account and keeping your real content behind the PPV wall.

Moreover, keeping your page free to follow can encourage more people to subscribe and if you manage to keep the users engaged and connected, they’ll be willing to pay for your PPV messages. With the right balance of free and PPV posts, you can significantly increase your earnings and maintain your fans’ loyalty.

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How to Make a Pay-Per-View Post on OnlyFans

It’s important to note that on OnlyFans, individuals who create content for free (by having a free account) are the only ones able to make paid posts (not to be confused with PPV messages). 

In the following section, we’ll guide you through the process of making a pay-per-view post on OnlyFans. 

Step 1: Log In to Your OnlyFans Account and Create a New Post

To start creating a new PPV post on OnlyFans, the first thing to do is log in to your account. After you’ve logged in, locate the “Create a New Post” option next to your profile picture and click on it to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Click on Post Price (Dollar Tag Icon) and Set the Price

After accessing the Post Creation page on OnlyFans, you’ll notice a small Dollar Icon located within the interface. Clicking on this icon allows you to set the price for your post. While there doesn’t appear to be a specific limit on the price you can choose, it’s important to keep it adequate. For example, charging $100 for a single post may be perceived as excessive compared to monthly subscription fees that cost $9.99 or less. If you’re interested in common pricing strategies, you can check out our OnlyFans Pricing Guide.

Step 3: Choose Your Post Type

After setting the price for your post, the next step is to select the type of post you want to create and add its content. OnlyFans allows you to upload various types of content, such as images, videos, and even custom videos that you can create yourself.

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Step 4: Add Media and Write a Message

Along with the content, you also write a message to accompany your post. It’s recommended to make the post as engaging and interesting as possible since this will encourage people to pay for it. Keep in mind that if your post lacks context or a clear value proposition, it will be challenging to persuade someone to pay for it. 

Step 5: Publish Your Post

Congratulations! You have set the price and added your content, that’s 99% of the job. Now the next step is to publish your post. Simply hit the “publish” button, and your post will be made available for purchase by your subscribers.

Benefits Of Creating Paid Posts On OnlyFans

Now let’s explore some of the great benefits of PPV posts. Creating paid posts on OnlyFans can provide numerous benefits, including:

Increased Income Potential

Paid posts allow you to sell individual pieces of content rather than relying solely on monthly subscriptions. This means you can set your prices for each post and potentially earn more money than they would through a subscription-based model.

More Control Over Content

Paid posts on OnlyFans allow you to have more control over the content you produce. You can tailor individual posts to specific audiences (post tags will help a lot) and offer a wider range of content types, including custom videos and personalized messages. 

Enhanced Fan Engagement

Paid posts on OnlyFans can also enhance fan engagement. Since subscribers pay for each post, they are more likely to engage with and appreciate the content they receive. 

Increased Privacy and Security

One of the major benefits of creating paid posts on OnlyFans is the increased privacy and security it provides for both creators and subscribers. Paid posts are only visible to those who have paid for them, ensuring that content remains private and exclusive. OnlyFans also provides secure payment processing, so creators can be sure that they are receiving payment for their content and subscribers can be sure that their payment information is kept safe.

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Tips For Maximizing Your Revenue From Paid Posts

If you’re looking to make the most out of your OnlyFans account, creating paid posts is a great way to do it. Here are some tips to help you maximize your earnings from paid posts:

Use attractive titles and descriptions

When creating a paid post, use an attractive title and description that will catch the eye of potential buyers. Use descriptive language that highlights the benefits of your content and encourages people to buy. To make your OnlyFans account more attractive, make sure to check out our article on “Only Fans welcome message ideas

Posting frequently

Posting frequently can help keep your subscribers engaged and increase your chances of making more sales. Consider setting up a regular posting schedule so your subscribers know when to expect new content. If you’re wondering how often to post on OnlyFans check out our comprehensive guide.

Offer exclusive content

One of the best ways to encourage people to pay for your content is to offer exclusive content they can’t find anywhere else. Consider creating special videos, photos, or other content only available to paying subscribers.

Price your posts competitively

While it’s important to price your posts high enough to make a profit, it’s also important to be competitive with other creators on the platform. Do some research to see what other creators are charging for similar content and price your posts accordingly.

Interact with your subscribers

Engaging with your subscribers can help build a community and encourage them to continue subscribing and buying your content. Consider responding to comments, running polls or surveys, or offering personalized content to your most loyal fans for free.


Creating paid posts on OnlyFans is an excellent way to monetize your content and increase your revenue. By setting a price for exclusive content, you can offer your fans a personalized experience while earning money in the process. With the right strategy and approach, you can maximize your earnings from paid posts.

To make the most out of your OnlyFans account, consider using FansCharm’s OnlyFans promotion and management services. Our team of experts can help you grow your audience and increase your earnings through targeted promotions and personalized content strategies. We offer a range of services tailored to your needs, including social media management, content creation, and fan engagement. With FansCharm, you can take your OnlyFans account to the next level and achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and start earning more from your OnlyFans account.

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  • Robbin Anderson

    Meet Robbin Anderson, a content writer for FansCharm. Starting as an SMM specialist and copywriter, Robbin later dived into OnlyFans management, becoming a pro at promoting content. Now, at FansCharm, Robbin blends marketing smarts with creativity, crafting engaging stories for the digital audience.

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